Sunday, January 13, 2008

Something you might not know...

I own a tiara. Yes, I do. I got it for my 30th birthday to wear in celebration of me. For months, I had said I was going to wear a tiara on my 30th, because damn it, I made it this far and I was excited about turning 30. Some people dread their decade birthdays. That one, I didn't. In my mind, turning 30 was great. I made more money, had less debt, and I wasn't as big of an asshole any more. My 30's were going to be great. And so far they are fantastic. The reason I bring up the tiara, is that I still have it. I actually wear it on occasion. When do I wear it, you might ask. When I clean the house. I'm the queen of my home, and therefore I shall wear my crown. I happened to be wearing it yesterday afternoon, when Mike had BB out, yet again to the doctor (she's doing better, had a shot of antibiotics instead of oral ones, now she isn't puking her guts up!) and LB was watching me fold laundry. "OOhhh, a happy to hat mommy!" Yes it is kind of like a birthday crown. "My turn, mommy!" With a smirk and a bit of a chuckle, I placed it upon his head. He laughed and grinned and said, "How pretty mommy!" Good thing Mike wasn't home for that one. He might have had a coronary.


Marisa said...

LOL. If it's any consolation, Owen likes to wear high heeled shoes. He walks pretty good in those!

Anonymous said...

So funny! I want a picture of LB in that tiara!